‘The historical and technical development of gloss housepaints, with reference to their use by twentieth-century artists.” Royal College of Art, 2004
BA (Hons) 2.1:
The History of Drawing and Printmaking, Camberwell College of Art, London, 1995
MA (with distinction):
The Conservation of Easel Paintings,
University of Northumbria at Newcastle, 2000
Member of the British Association of Paintings Conservator-Restorers
Ordinary member of the Institute of Conservation
Harriet has over 18 years experience as a practising conservator, and has treated a wide range of traditional and modern works. Clients include Tate, The Imperial War Museum, Flowers East, The Royal College of Art, and a number of private collectors. Since 2010 she has been on the Tate’s Professional Register of Conservators, and has prepared and treated many objects for display and loan. She has also worked on the installation of a number of Tate exhibitions, including Paul Gauguin (2011), Joan Miró (2011), Gerhard Richter (2012), Patrick Caulfield (2013), Gary Hume (2013), L. S. Lowry (2013), Paul Klee (2013), and Paul Nash (2017).
Recent projects include the conservation of two tapestry paintings in the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, London (2016):
She also conserved and prepared John Singer Sargent's Gassed (Imperial War Museum) for touring loan to the United States 2016):
Alongside practical conservation, between 2004 and 2009 Harriet worked part-time as a tutor for RCA/V&A Conservation: a postgraduate programme run jointly by the Royal College of Art and the Victoria and Albert Museum. She contributed to the running and delivery of the MA, MPhil, and PhD Programmes, and supervised the following two PhD studentships:
“Hans Holbein the Younger (1497/8-1543): an investigation into his choice and use of materials and techniques, with particular reference to his portrait drawings” (Victoria Button, PhD, RCA/V&A Conservation, 2013)
“From dreams and visions and things not known: technique and process in David Smith's drawings” (Richard Mulholland, PhD, RCA/V&A Conservation, 2010)